Privacy Policy


The website belongs to JAN Y ALEX, S. L. NIF/CIF: B63286249 and domiciled at C/ Muntaner 443-445, Principal, 08021 Barcelona.

For the purposes of compliance with Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on information society services and electronic commerce, hereinafter LSSI, the owner of the referenced domain informs you of the following:

The purpose of this website is to make the contents and products presented by the brand available to the user, as well as to manage applications for them and keep them informed about the company's activity and services.

All the data provided by users through the query forms are part of the file called Contact. Duly registered with the Spanish Data Protection Agency. JAN Y ALEX, S. L. undertakes not to transfer or use these data except for the purposes for which they were collected.

You can contact the owner of the page at the following postal address: 152 Botánica Street 08908 L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona

Telephone: 934 17 06 27 Email:

Security protects buyers

If you purchase at and your item does not arrive or does not match the seller's description, a refund of your purchase will be made. Buyer Protection covers purchases made at


If the item does not arrive or does not match the description and meets the requirements, we will refund the full amount of the purchase, including shipping costs.


Our Customer Service Department will help you if you have an incident that may cause concern. Contact us and we will help you.